The all India Engineering services examination is conducted by the UPSC once in an year, which is held in the month of June - July. This is regarded as the best sought after job and reputed services among the engineers. Every year, the notifications for the examination are published in the month of January in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar, Gazeete of India and other newspapers.
Exam Pattern for IES Exam
The examination is held in following phases:
(1) Written Examination:
(a) Objective Type:
Name of the paper Duration Max Marks
(i) General Ability 2 hours 200
(ii) Optional Paper I 2 hours 200
(iii) Optional paper II 2 hours 200
(b) Conventional:
(i) Optional Paper I 3 hours 200
(ii) Optional Paper II 3 hours 200
Total 1000
In optional paper, aspirant may choose any one of given below
subject according their academic background
(1) Civil Engineering;
(2) Mechanical Engineering;
(3) Electrical Engineering;
(4) Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering;
(2) PERSONALITY TEST: (Maximum of 200 Marks)
After qualifying the written exam, students are called for interview.
Educational Qualification for IES Exam
Engineering graduation degree or equivalent from any recognized university/Institute.
Number of Attempts for IES Exam
There is no limit as for the number of attempts.
- 15 % for SC candidates
- 7-1/2 % for ST candidates
- 27% for OBC candidates
Age limit
More than 21 years old but less than 30 years as on 1st August of the year of exam Upper age limit is relax able up to 3 years for OBC and up to 5 years for SC /ST Candidates.
Medium of Examination: English only
Note: Candidates are advised to read carefully the special instructions for conventional type tests and objective type tests) including the procedure regarding filling in the answer sheet of objective type test in the Examination Hall.
1. In the Personality Test, special attention has to be paid to assessing the candidate’s capacity for leadership, initiative and intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities, mental and physical
energy, powers of practical application and integrity of character.
2. Conventional papers have to be answered in English. Question papers will be set in English.
3. Candidates must write in their on handwriting and in circumstances they will be allowed the help of subscribe to write the answers for them.
4. The commission has discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subject of the examination.
5. Marks will not be allotted for having mere superficial knowledge.
6. Deduction up to 5 percent of the maximum marks for the written papers will be made for illegible handwriting in exam.
7. Credits will be given for orderly, effective and exact expressions combined with due economy of words in the conventional papers of the EXAMINATION.
8. In the question papers, wherever required, SI units must be used.
energy, powers of practical application and integrity of character.
2. Conventional papers have to be answered in English. Question papers will be set in English.
3. Candidates must write in their on handwriting and in circumstances they will be allowed the help of subscribe to write the answers for them.
4. The commission has discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subject of the examination.
5. Marks will not be allotted for having mere superficial knowledge.
6. Deduction up to 5 percent of the maximum marks for the written papers will be made for illegible handwriting in exam.
7. Credits will be given for orderly, effective and exact expressions combined with due economy of words in the conventional papers of the EXAMINATION.
8. In the question papers, wherever required, SI units must be used.
Note: Candidates will be supplied with standard tables/charts is SI units in the Examination hall for referencial purpose, wherever considered necessary.
9. Candidates are permitted to bring and use battery operated pocket calculators for conventional type papers only. Loaning or inter-changing of calculators in the EXAMINATION hall is not at all permitted.
It is also noted that candidates are not permitted to use calculators for answering objective type paper (test booklets). They should not, therefore, bring it inside the Examination Hall.
10. Candidates should use only international form of Indian numerals while answering question papers.
Syllabus for IES Exam
The standard of paper in General Ability Test expected that of a Graduate. The standard of papers in other subjects will approximately be that of an Engineering Degree exam in an Indian University. There will be no practical examination in any of the subjects here.
Part A: General English. The question paper in General English is designed to test the candidate’s overall understanding of English and workman like use of words.
Part B: General Studies: The paper in General Studies will include knowledge of current affairs and such matters as of every day observations and experiences in their scientific aspects may be expected of an educated person. The paper will also include questions on Indian History and Geography which candidates should be able to answer without special study.